Headquarters Wiehl

Kampf is the world’s largest manufacturer of slitting and winding machines. Founded in 1920 in Wiehl-Muehlen and today led by Markus Vollmer, CEO, Rike Johnsen, CFO and Dr. Benedikt Sitte, COO the company has been a wholly owned subsidiary of the Jagenberg AG since 1988.
At the Muehlen/Wiehl headquarters in our 50,000 m² facility more than 400 employees develop, distribute and finish innovative, high quality slitting and winding machines for the international market. These high-tech machines "Made in Oberberg" enjoy an excellent reputation worldwide.
The recently completed implementation of a modernized business location concept increased the assembly area considerably, giving the headquarters a more contemporary appearance and optimizing the use of energy at the location in Muehlen. In addition to the modernization and renovation of the existing buildings, a 6.400 m2 new assembly hall was built. These newly erected, prestigious office buildings are now the home for the Kampf sales team and the Kampf Academy. The new training workshop – the “Wissenswerk” (roughly translated as “Knowledge Center”), was completed in 2014. This 450 m² state of the art site completes the extensive construction works at Wiehl and offers workplaces for future-oriented training.
Kampf offers two technical laboratories which enables developers and specialists of the slitting and winding industry to test their materials on Kampf machines. Customers are able to bring their ideas to the table and together with Kampf experts, develop the appropriate machine concept. Kampf promotes product development by a multitudinous of testing in laboratories and close networking with professional institutions and customers from all over the world.

Contact Headquarters Wiehl/Germany
Kampf GmbH
Muehlener Strasse 36-42
51674 Wiehl
Phone +49 2262 81-0
Fax +49 2262 81-201
High-tech machines “Made in Oberberg”
Here are some impressions from our headquarters in Wiehl, Germany, the machines we build there and the people involved